Premium Content for Publishers

3 Rules for Generating Revenue with Premium Content

The notion that readers won’t pay for news is a myth. Local publishers around the country are finding that readers are willing to pay for access to premium content. According to research by the Media Insight Project, an initiative by the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 53% of…

Facebook Instant Articles

How Local Publishers Are Adapting to Facebook’s News Feed Changes

Facebook’s decision in January to change its News Feed algorithm and prioritize content from friends, family, and groups caused a collective shudder across the media landscape. But now three months after Facebook’s News Feed changes were announced, some local publishers are finding ways to use the new algorithm to their advantage. Facebook’s decision may ultimately…

Push Notifications

How Savvy Publishers Use Push Notifications to Generate Referral Traffic

Publishers of all sizes are making a greater effort to stand out visually in the wake of Facebook’s algorithm changes. With fewer readers discovering new articles in their News Feeds, local publishers are turning to web and mobile push notifications as an alternative channel for connecting with existing readers. For the uninitiated, push notifications are…

Make Publishing Pay

When Is It Time For a Website Redesign?

Nothing lasts forever. Even the freshest website design will eventually get stale, which is why a digital publisher can expect to undertake a website redesign project at least once every three to seven years. Why such a large range? For starters, publishers who cut corners on the design of their websites will usually need to…



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Programmatic Advertising

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

An effective advertising strategy relies on a strong foundation, and for some independent publishers, programmatic advertising has become the bedrock for generating incremental income. But what does programmatic advertising really entail, and is it the right solution for every hyperlocal publisher? At its core, programmatic advertising means using software to purchase online advertising. This is…

Audience development

Audience Development: 6 Do’s & Don’ts for Local Publishers

Audience development is about more than blindly pursuing eyeballs and clicks across as many platforms as possible. As more independent publishers move to generate revenue through subscription and membership programs, there’s been a renewed interest in cultivating the right type of audience—that is, a loyal audience that’s willing to pay for monthly subscriptions to their…

Hyperlocal publishers

What Readers Want from Hyperlocal Publishers

Readers don’t click onto hyperlocal news websites for commentary on international issues. Most don’t visit for the coverage of professional sports teams, either. According to a series of studies by the Media Insight Project, an initiative of the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, readers are motivated to subscribe…