Facebook’s Traffic to Publishers

Why Does Facebook’s Traffic to Publishers Keep Dropping?

New data shows that Facebook’s traffic to publishers has dropped precipitously in the past few weeks. Now people are asking why. Digital media outlets have begun reporting sizable drops in traffic coming from Facebook in May and June. When the content analytics and intelligence platform Chartbeat analyzed network traffic from sites, it found a downward…

WordPress themes SEO

5 Ways to Optimize a News Website for Search Engines

These are the critical SEO considerations that publishers should know about. A news website has some innate advantages when it comes to SEO. For starters, most news websites have a constant stream of new, high-quality content being published each day. News websites also have special features that Google recognizes, like Top Stories. But publishing news…

Google Ranking

What Is an SEO Tag Page?

SEO Tag Page Definition: What Is an SEO Tag Page? An SEO tag page is a mini glossary that lists all the articles a publisher has written about a certain topic. Publishers who are interested in optimizing their websites for search should use tag pages as a way to increase their Google ranking for certain…

Google Search Console

The Best Google Search Console Tips for News Publishers

News that Google is introducing Search Console Insights as a way to help publishers understand which content resonates best with their readers has generated plenty of headlines. It’s also brought about plenty of questions from news publishers who hadn’t been using Google Search Console previously. Google’s Search Console tools are designed to help publishers measure…



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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Basics for Publishers

Successful online publishers have been using affiliate marketing to generate revenue for years. If you haven’t adopted this approach yet, you could be missing out on a valuable income stream. Performance-based marketing is one of the fastest growing revenue channels for publishers, thanks to its significant earning potential and easy implementation. According to eMarketer, global…

Keyword Rules for SEO

8 Keyword Rules for News and Magazine Publishers

These are the keyword rules that every digital publisher should know. Targeting the right keywords can lift your content in Google search results, but most publishers still have questions about how often they should use certain keywords and how much value targeted keywords actually deliver for search engine rankings. Is targeting keywords in meta tags…

Tools to Grow Your Publishing Business

Try These 5 Apps to Grow Your Publishing Business

If you want to grow your publishing business, achieve new milestones, and hit all your revenue targets in 2021, try these five new apps. What are the most important parts of your tech stack? If you’re not sure of the answer, you might not be using the right technology. Cloud-based apps and platforms are one…

Customer Service

How Customer Service Impacts Subscriber Retention

As digital publishers generate more revenue from reader subscriptions, the need for high-quality customer service has grown. A new report from American Press Institute finds that the customer support agents are often the only direct point of contact for a publication’s readers, so those interactions between service agents and subscribers play a huge role in…