Membership Management Platforms

25 Audience Engagement Strategies for Digital Publishers

Proven audience engagement strategies for publishers of all sizes Readers are being pulled in every direction. Digital news publishers are competing not just against each other, but also against media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. With access to so many forms of media, consumers are quick to click away from content when they aren’t…

Growth strategies for publishers

5 Growth Strategies Used by Successful Digital Publishers

Digital publications need to grow if they want to survive. More readers, more clicks, more revenue — it’s all important for a news publication. Top publishers are investing in new ways to engage readers as they refine their growth strategies for the coming year. They’re also experimenting with using social media in creative ways and…

Comments Section

How to Build Engagement with a Comments Section

Engagement matters, whether your publishing model centers around display advertising, subscription revenue, or some combination of the two. One of the most sure-fire ways to build engagement is by adding a comments section to your website. News publishers, online magazine publishers, and niche blog publishers can all benefit from having an active comments section. That’s…


Cross-Channel Marketing Strategies for News Publishers

Cross-channel marketing pays for itself, as long as you’re using the right strategies and techniques. Cross-channel marketing isn’t just for the retail and ecommerce industries. News publishers can use the same strategies to drive up their subscription rates and more effectively engage their core audiences. According to a new study of media marketing efforts by…



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Audience of News Readers

Understanding Your Audience: 4 Types of News Readers

Understand the four main types of news readers and learn how you can engage each group to encourage online interactions and conversions. In order to connect with your online audience, you need to know who they are and what motivates them. What brings them to your website? Which types of content are they most likely…

News Publishers Can Be More Inclusive

How News Publishers Can Be More Inclusive

Expanding audiences and bringing new readers into the fold of a digital news publication involves more than just social media marketing or discounts on subscription prices. When news publishers can be more inclusive, they open up the door to a larger readership and expand their opportunities for revenue generation. What does inclusivity look like in…

Comments Section

5 Reasons Your Website Needs a Comments Section

Print newspapers have letters to the editor, and digital publications have comments sections. Having a comments section is a sure-fire way to boost reader engagement and create stronger bonds between readers and reporters. Unfortunately, the number of publications with on-site comments sections has been decreasing as of late, and that’s pushing more conversations onto outside…

editorial mission statement

How to Create an Editorial Mission Statement

Here is what digital publishers should know about how—and why—to create an editorial mission statement. The Washington Post has one. So does the Los Angeles Times, and virtually every other major newspaper in the country. But you don’t have to run a national media organization to create an editorial mission statement. Publishers of all sizes,…

Connect with younger readers

How Digital Publishers Can Connect with Younger Readers

Top Strategies to Connect with Younger Readers Eighteen to 34. That’s the most coveted age demographic among brand advertisers. Because advertisers care so much about reaching consumers between the ages of 18 and 34, that’s also the demographic news publishers should be engaging with to keep their advertiser clients satisfied. Consumers in the 18-to-34 demographic…