What Local Publishers Can Learn from Sales Reps

For local publishers who rely on direct sales, in-house salespeople do much more than just sell ads. In many cases, sales reps become the faces of the publications they represent. Sales teams interact with community businesses owners on a much more frequent basis than editorial staffers working inside the office, and the insights they collect…

Push Notifications

How Savvy Publishers Use Push Notifications to Generate Referral Traffic

Publishers of all sizes are making a greater effort to stand out visually in the wake of Facebook’s algorithm changes. With fewer readers discovering new articles in their News Feeds, local publishers are turning to web and mobile push notifications as an alternative channel for connecting with existing readers. For the uninitiated, push notifications are…

Audience development

Audience Development: 6 Do’s & Don’ts for Local Publishers

Audience development is about more than blindly pursuing eyeballs and clicks across as many platforms as possible. As more independent publishers move to generate revenue through subscription and membership programs, there’s been a renewed interest in cultivating the right type of audience—that is, a loyal audience that’s willing to pay for monthly subscriptions to their…

Hyperlocal publishers

What Readers Want from Hyperlocal Publishers

Readers don’t click onto hyperlocal news websites for commentary on international issues. Most don’t visit for the coverage of professional sports teams, either. According to a series of studies by the Media Insight Project, an initiative of the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, readers are motivated to subscribe…



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Multiplatform Publishing Strategy

How to Develop a Multiplatform Publishing Strategy in 5 Steps

In a multi-screen world, multiplatform publishing is necessary for news outlets to survive. Multiplatform publishing is the idea of posting content on multiple channels in order to reach the greatest number of people. The concept sounds simple, but it can get complicated quickly as different platforms require their own formatting requirements and protocols. Multiplatform publishing…

Improve Reader Engagement

10 Ways for Publishers to Improve Reader Engagement

Conventional wisdom says quality content is the most important element to success in an online publication. The truth is that content is oftentimes secondary to reader engagement. Local publications can’t thrive without devoted audiences, which is why many of the savviest publishers are searching for new ways to improve reader engagement. Audience engagement is especially…

Attract readers to online news site

How to Attract Readers to Your Online Publication

More than eight-in-ten adults now access news on mobile devices, making 2018 a great time to launch a digital-first publication. But drawing eyes away from legacy outlets, and finding ways to attract readers to a publication that exists solely on the Internet, requires a strategy that goes beyond just pumping out great content each day….


Expert Strategies for Increasing User Contributions

Listen to the locals. For hyperlocal publishers who want the inside scoop on what’s really going on in the communities they cover, in the form of user contributions, there’s no better source than the locals who live there. But getting people to switch from passively reading the news to actively engaging with it is a…