National Advertisers

Local Publishers Are Making Big Gains with National Advertisers — Here’s Why

Decades of hard work are paying off for local news publishers. After years of courting brands and steadily growing their advertising programs, local media companies are seeing a surge in interest from national brand advertisers this fall. Locally-focused digital publishers like 6AM City and Whereby.Us have started seeing an increase in national advertisers “exploring their…

Local Advertising

How Does Local Advertising Benefit Brands?

Have you heard of the news halo effect? Research has shown that a publication’s trust transfers to its advertisers, so readers are more likely to trust a company when it runs ads in their favorite local publication. But, that’s not the only advantage that local advertising offers over other channels. A recent IAB survey of…

Win Over Potential Advertisers

3 Ways to Win Over Potential Advertisers

U.S. local advertising revenue is expected to exceed $161 billion this year, and digital publishers are working hard to capture their slice of that pie. In an effort to increase the revenue generated by display advertising and sponsored content, publishers are trying brand new strategies designed to win over potential advertisers. Despite a tumultuous beginning…

Ad Platform

What Is an Ad Platform?

An ad platform is a technology for monetizing online traffic. In most cases, ad platforms serve as the broker or intermediary between the digital publisher and the advertiser. Platform providers offer the tools that businesses use to purchase advertising that is delivered on websites and mobile apps. The term “ad platform” is a generic one…



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Native Ad Platforms for News Publishers

The Best Native Ad Platforms for News Publishers

If you’re interested in generating revenue outside of traditional display advertising, then these are the native ad platforms for news publishers that you’ll want to try. What happens when you’ve reached a maximum fill rate for display advertising on your website? Just because your standard ad sizes, like the banner, leaderboard, and skyscraper, are full…

Selling Sponsored Content

5 Myths About Selling Sponsored Content

Could you be generating more revenue by selling sponsored content? Here are the biggest mistakes that are holding publishers back. The sponsored content business model has evolved in the past decade. With rising expectations on the part of brand advertisers, online publishers have to be on top of their game to stay competitive. When brands…

Branded Content Business Model

How to Succeed with the Branded Content Business Model

Branded content isn’t new. For more than a decade now, digital publishers have been generating revenue by producing content for brands. The branded content business model has become a critical stream of revenue that’s allowed publishers to thrive. But changes in the industry in 2020 are causing some publishers to reevaluate their approach. City and…


Do You Need a Separate Website for Sponsored Content?

Publishing sponsored content on a standalone website ensures that readers understand the difference between paid and editorial content, but is running a standalone website for sponsored content a viable strategy for the long-term? One media company that’s tried the approach is The Texas Tribune. When The Texas Tribune launched its sponsored content program back in…

Digital Publishers Approach Influencer Marketing

How Should Digital Publishers Approach Influencer Marketing?

The New York Times, Condé Nast, Refinery29, and Time have all gotten involved in influencer marketing. Smaller, independent publishers are getting in on the action, too. But the way that digital publishers approach influencer marketing depends on the time and resources they’re willing to commit. Influencer marketing, as a strategy, is on the upswing. Particularly…


How to Generate Revenue Through Real Estate Advertising

Real estate sections have historically been one of the biggest profit drivers for local news publishers. Although websites like Zillow and Trulia have gained a strong foothold in the real estate market, digital publishers can still generate revenue through real estate advertising when they utilize the right techniques. To start generating revenue through real estate…