From slow website speeds to link spam, there are hundreds of reasons why publishers lost SEO traffic in 2021. As we head into the new year, it’s time to start thinking about how to recover your search rankings and navigate Google’s latest algorithm changes. Google took a more aggressive approach with its search algorithm in…
Google’s latest update to mobile search could have a big impact on digital publishers. Here’s what you should know. If you’re not closely monitoring Google’s latest search updates, you may have missed last week’s announcement. Continuous scrolling is coming to Google Search on mobile, which means publishers that rely on search traffic could be in…
An upcoming change to the Google News app could be a big win for digital publishers. As part of Google’s Page Experience Update, the company recently announced that it’s eliminating the requirement that publishers use AMP framework to be included in Google News. That change has the potential to make the Google News app much…
Google completed the rollout of its Page Experience update this week. Here’s what that means for digital publishers. If you missed Google’s announcement that the rollout of Google Page Experience update was completed this week, you weren’t alone. The announcement went under the radar for many, particularly within the digital publishing community. However, as more…
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Google is now recommending that publishers add author URL in article schema to help identify the authors of online news articles. Here’s what you should know. Google is at it again. The company recently updated its guidance on the author URL property as part of a larger change to the recommended properties that publishers should…
The law of unintended consequences tells us that certain actions can have effects that are unanticipated or unwanted. In the online publishing space, we see this frequently. Developers roll out new features that negatively impact other components on a publisher’s website, or anticipated product updates cause glitches in software and drops in Google ranking. When…
Apple’s privacy change is already having a big impact on digital publishers, even before its official debut. When Apple Mail Privacy Protection launches with iOS 15, it will be one of the most significant privacy updates in Apple’s history. While the update will have the biggest impact on digital publishers that send email newsletters, the…
These are the critical SEO considerations that publishers should know about. A news website has some innate advantages when it comes to SEO. For starters, most news websites have a constant stream of new, high-quality content being published each day. News websites also have special features that Google recognizes, like Top Stories. But publishing news…
SEO Tag Page Definition: What Is an SEO Tag Page? An SEO tag page is a mini glossary that lists all the articles a publisher has written about a certain topic. Publishers who are interested in optimizing their websites for search should use tag pages as a way to increase their Google ranking for certain…
News that Google is introducing Search Console Insights as a way to help publishers understand which content resonates best with their readers has generated plenty of headlines. It’s also brought about plenty of questions from news publishers who hadn’t been using Google Search Console previously. Google’s Search Console tools are designed to help publishers measure…