Use these event listing websites to expand your reach and get your virtual (and live) events listed on Google and Facebook.
Virtual and in-person events can be a big moneymaker for digital publishers. Conferences, festivals, and summits are just a few examples of the types of events that publishers can host. While most live events have been put on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual events hosted via Zoom and other video conference platforms have taken off over the past six months. More people are attending events virtually now than ever before, and that is leading more publishers to want to get involved.
People attend interactive or virtual events for all different reasons, but what it really boils down to is interest. People want to attend virtual events when they are interested in the topics being discussed or the presenters hosting the discussions.
In the months since the pandemic began, virtual events have grown in popularity. For one thing, virtual events are much more accessible than live events. Virtual events don’t require that people travel, or even leave their homes. That means more people can attend these events without having to worry about the cost of flights or hotels.
Virtual events also tend to be cheaper for publishers to host, when compared to live events. Speakers can often participate from their own homes, which means publishers aren’t expected to pay for travel costs or lodging. Without an event space or catering to pay for, publishers can afford to lower the ticket prices for virtual events, and that can lead to a spike in attendance.
The best events, whether virtual or live, are wholly interactive. Nobody wants to be lectured to. People want to ask questions and have those questions answered by the experts. They also want to see real facial expressions and body language from the presenters. To make that happen, publishers need to choose the right virtual events hosting platforms. The most popular platforms currently are Zoom and ON24, however new platforms with expanded features are launching all the time.
How do you make sure people will attend whatever type of event you’re hosting, especially once you’ve put in the effort to find the best speakers and chosen the right virtual events platform? Website promotions and email marketing are two good options, but with those approaches you’re only reaching your existing audience. How do you bring in attendees who aren’t already reading your publication or subscribing to your newsletters? The answer is that you need to use one (or multiple) top event listing websites.
Event listing websites give publishers a place to promote their conferences, summits, and festivals. The top event listing websites will vary by niche and geographic location. For example, the best event listing websites for wedding magazines are likely different than the best event listing websites for sports publishers or local news publishers. In this article, we’ll be covering some of the top event listing websites for general audiences. These are the event listing websites that digital publishers should be using to get their virtual conferences and summits discovered by a broader audience.
5 Best Places to Promote Virtual Events
1. 10Times
10Times bills itself as the world’s largest business event platform. People use the website to find upcoming events, business conferences, trade shows, global seminars, networking meetings, and workshops, which means this is an excellent place for publishers to promote their own events. Publishers can add their event listings to 10Times for free, however they do need to review the site’s strict event submission guidelines before submitting events on the platform.
2. Facebook Events
Facebook Events is by far the most popular of the event listing websites for digital publishers. Facebook’s vast audience makes this the No. 1 choice for publishers promoting live or virtual events. Facebook users can filter events by location, time, or theme. When they respond that they are “interested” or “attending” an event, Facebook automatically notifies their friends. Publishers have the option to list events on the platform for free, or they can pay to promote their events to a wider audience.
3. Eventbrite
Eventbrite is a ticketing website and an event listings platform. When publishers sign up for Eventbrite, they can register attendees and sell tickets to their virtual events online. Digital publishers who use Eventbrite to manage their live and virtual events will automatically have their events listed in Eventbrite’s local events directory, which is helpful from a discoverability and an SEO perspective.
4. LinkedIn Events
Publishers that already have an established presence on LinkedIn will want to try using LinkedIn Events to promote their conferences and summits. LinkedIn Events gives publishers a way to create and promote professional events, including online workshops and seminars. Event organizers can manage their event details at any time, and attendees will be notified about the changes automatically. They can also create native landing pages with unique URLs on LinkedIn, and stream to their event attendees using LinkedIn Live.
5. All Tech Conferences
Publishers in the technology and IT space can promote their events on the All Tech Conferences platform. Millions of people use the All Tech Conferences directory to find events and trade shows that focus specifically on the technology industry. Publishers can submit their events to All Tech Conferences free of charge, or they can choose a premium option for featured placement on the All Tech Conferences website. All Tech Conferences manually reviews submitted events before they are posted, to ensure that all events are aimed at IT and technology professionals.